Monday, July 25, 2011

Abundant Grace

It never ceases to amaze me how much grace God gives us. As Christians we talk about grace often but I don't think we will ever understand how much God loves us and cares about our life. This weekend I encountered a young man who to put it lightly is a mess. My first instinct was to judge him, then I thought about why and how he became this way. When I told my friends that we needed to be a positive influence on them they told me that it was a little too late for that. I didn't think too much of it but then in the middle of the night I was woken up and this boy was the first thing that came to my mind. God began to speak to me, he asked me "What if I was to look at you and say, oh its just a little too late for her?" This hit me hard, I realized that I am just as much of a "mess" as this young boy. I realized how I deserved to be given up on but yet time and time again God forgives me and never gives up on me.

My point is that we must not give up on anyone, we must always strive to share the love and grace of God to others. If we are saying its a little too late for someone, we obviously don't know the truth about God and have lack of confidence in what he can do. God can change around the worst in people. Don't we think if he can create a whole universe of people that he can change someones life for the better? We just have to be willing to allow Him to work through us.

I challenge you to not let fear or what others think to stand in the way of God's plan for your life. Be a positive influence on others and speak truth into their life. If God is calling you to say or do something for a certain person don't be afraid of what they will think. Because if He wants you to do it, and you respond, expect something amazing to happen. Even if you don't see a change of heart, you will plant a seed. You may never know how you affect people but know that if its God's plan then its for a reason.

In Christ,


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