How great is the Fathers love for us? We all have this ideal of what His love looks like, how far and how wide it may go. We read it in His word everywhere, without His love nothing else matters, without His love fear creeps in, without His love we cannot know Him, see Him, or seek Him. His love is perfect and unfailing, His love is just and righteous, His love is not self-seeking, His love is what caused Him to send His only son to die for each of our sins. His love is the reason we are free. But we can read all of this on paper and still not know His love.
Lately the Lord has really been pressing in and trying to get me to dig deep with Him about His love. It has haunted my dreams and thoughts and is one of my deepest desires: To know the Fathers love for me. To understand the cross. I want His love to dig deep into my soul, take out all the dead roots, and replace new seeds of His love. I want to dwell within me so deeply and take over my every thought and action. I want to know His love so closely and deeply that I am blinded by everything else. I want to know His love so much that every action will stem from knowing His love.
For so long I have been dealing with fear and guilt, trying to just break it off in the name of Jesus. Yes, deliverance is good, but my new understanding is that my fear and guilt stem from not knowing His love as well as I thought I did. That instead of my actions coming from a deep conviction and desire from His love touching me so deeply, it has been coming out of obligation and my religious mindset. I have been living a dead life, I have been in a slumber of lies and hopelessness and have forgotten that I know the best news possible! That Christ not only died for me but desires my love. He does not need my love, nor does He need anything. But He wants me to know Him, to fellowship with Him, and to abide in His love. (John 15:9-10).
Andrew Murray said it well when he wrote, "What a blessed life! Christ desires every disciple to live in the power of the very same love of God that He himself experienced."
Everything else we do is worthless if we do it without love. It can be confusing and overwhelming in our small little human brains to try and figure out the Fathers love for us. But instead of trying to figure out His love, or live life with a orphan mentality where you forget what price was paid for you, allow God to romance you and reveal His unending love for you.
I pray that you allow this love to change your life in every aspect. The way you think, the way you live, and the way you treat others. I pray that the desire and conviction that has touched me will touch you and you will give into Him. Because it is a journey worth traveling!